Celebrate Bealtaine this Sunday, May 1st. Traditionally a time when masculine and feminine energies were believed to be united, the holiday is still used as a celebration of fertility.

Bealtaine has many ties to similar holidays and traditions like May Day, the Maypole dance, and many others. Historically in pagan times, this festival was when fertility was at its peak as it fell halfway between Imbolc and the Summer Solstice. Typically large groups would celebrate by gathering at Bealtaine fires which helped to showcase the passionate nature of the festival.

Beltaine was also considered an important time for growth and farming as the potential threat of bad weather had subsided, and nice weather could be fully celebrated! It is the holiday in the Pagan calendar that marks the highest point in Spring, the beginning of summer, and therefore sunshine! This is the time when many would plant their crops in hope of a fruitful harvest. To get in the true spirit of Bealtaine, set yourself some new goals or intentions to reflect on later in the year.

More ways to celebrate Beltane in modern times:

  • Gather around a fire with friends and family, or attend a fire ritual in your area.
  • Decorate your homes and outfits with flowers! Get crafty and adorn yourself with a flower crown.
  • Add some bright crystals to your altars like rose quartz, yellow jasper, or carnelian to represent the fire and fertility of the holiday.
  • Get in touch with nature; go for a walk, have a picnic, and search for fairies.

Useful items for Bealtaine are linked below!