Cord Cutting 101

Types of Cord Cutting     

  • Physical
  • Meditative

Why would you perform a cord-cutting exercise?

Many times we find that we have grown apart from people, or have attracted people that drain our energy, or perhaps had a falling out that has ended things. Maybe you have had a breakup that you have decided you do not want to fix. Sometimes explaining our selves and having conversations with the other person is not enough, or perhaps we aren’t ready to have conversations with those people. If you find that there is someone in your life that you are sure you no longer want to be connected to, a cord-cutting spell may be the option for you. As always with these things, please use personal judgment when using magic.

Is there any harm? No, you are protecting yourself from any harm and removing any negativity from your life, the cord-cutting itself will not cause any pain or backlash to you or others. All that is being done is removing energetic ties to each other. There will be no physical side effects to either participant.


What you’ll need

  • Sage Bundle – to cleanse your space.
  • One Cord of choice (this can be twine, rope, ribbon, even shoelaces if you’re on a budget)!
  • 2 candles of any colour (black is a good choice for banishing, white for purity or red for love)
  • A matchstick or lighter – please use with caution!
  • Paper and pen
  • Crystals of your choice (not mandatory) (black tourmaline for protection, rose quartz for self-love)

** As with all flame/ candle magic, please exercise fire safety and caution. Do not leave unattended or perform on an area that can catch fire easily **

Write the names of you and the other person. This can be done on a sheet of paper and placed under the candle OR you can inscribe this on the candle.

Tie the chosen cord on both ends around each candle. Try to keep it closer to the wick if you are in a hurry.

Light the candles and as you do so set your intention to cut these cords that bind you and your chosen person.

Allow the candle to burn, waiting for it to get to the cord. Let this flame burn the cord away and collect the ashes underneath.


If you don’t own or cannot buy the materials you need to do the cord-cutting candle spell, you can do a meditative exercise as well.

Smudge or cleanse the area you will be using.

Get into a comfortable and safe space.

Once relaxed meditate on your thoughts and begin to visualize different cords emanating from you.

Using your intuition choose the cord you no longer wish to be attached to.

Visual an energetic knife, or scissors, and using the bright energy cut this cord to the person you no longer which to be corded to.

End the meditation at your own pace, and allow yourself to become grounded again.