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Red Jasper Dragon


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Having an image of a Western dragon can help in expressing feelings of self-esteem.

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Red Jasper Dragon

Red jasper is an earthly stone and reminds us that we are not here by ourselves on the physical plane. It is a stone good to hold when on excursions by oneself, in periods of solitude such as retreats, or if you live alone. Some keep it by the bed because in some way it helps them connect to and remember their dreams, and can also help protect those who astral travel.

Western dragons are seen as being distinctly different from their Eastern counterparts. Legends originating in European countries portray dragons as giant winged fire-breathing creatures that are usually feared by humans.  Many stories tell of men who battle against all obstacles to fight the scary dragons, get past them, and gain access to the riches and wealth hidden in dragon dens. The epic hero, Beowulf, is just one example of someone who attempted to fight a treasure-guarding dragon—although in his case he failed and was killed. The defining characteristic of a Western dragon symbol is that it represents power. Having an image of a Western dragon can help in expressing feelings of self-esteem, but they’re also popular with dragon fans.

  • Dimensions: Approx. 4 x 5 cm

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Dimensions 4 × 5 cm


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