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Gold Tarot Card Pendant


Choose from six Major Arcana cards.


Gold Tarot Card Pendant

Tarot is a form of spiritual guidance that uses a deck of 78 cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future. Each card has a unique meaning and interpretation, and the reader uses these cards to answer questions or provide guidance on various aspects of life. Many people are drawn to tarot because it can provide insight on various topics, including love, career, and personal growth. While some may view tarot as a form of fortune-telling, it is important to note that tarot readings are not meant to predict the future but to provide guidance and insight into the present moment.

Choose from six Major Arcana cards:

The Lovers — Love, major decisions, shared values, perfect unions, relationships, opportunities
The Wheel of Fortune — Good luck, destiny, change, karma, decisive moments, cycles of life, fate, chance
The Star — Hope, inspiration, creativity, calm, contentment, renewal, serenity, spirituality, healing, positivity
The Moon — Intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, subconscious, insecurity, anxiety, shadow self
The Sun — Positivity, freedom, fun, success, optimism, vitality, joy, confidence, self-expression, enthusiasm
The World — Success, achievement, accomplishment, travel, completion, fulfilment, sense of belonging, wholeness

Pendants are double-sided and identical on both sides.

Pendant will be provided on black cord. Chain not included.

  • Material: Metal
  • Dimensions: Approx. Height 2 cm

Additional information

Weight 0.001 kg
Dimensions 2 × 1 cm
Tarot Card

The Lovers, The Wheel of Fortune, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, The World

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