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Cailleach nan Cruachan


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The Cailleach, or the hag, has been feared and revered across Celtic cultures in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man, for hundreds of years.

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Cailleach nan Cruachan

One of the great Celtic ancestors, the Cailleach was the goddess of the cold and the winds. The Cailleach is the goddess of the winter months and is said to control the weather and the winds as well as the length and harshness of winter. Her season begins on October 31st, the Samhain festival, which we celebrate today as Halloween. She was a complex character, neither fully good nor evil, caring for animals during the dark winter months, and was the patron of wolves. She is also known to safeguard deer and has particular affinities for black cats, wild cattle, and goats.

  • Dimensions: 15 x 10 x 17 cm
  • Weight: 825g

Additional information

Weight 0.99 kg


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