
21 May – 21 June

Gemini is the third astrological sign in the modern zodiac. It is an Air sign, is considered mutable, and is ruled by Mercury.

Gemini is represented as the Twins, Castor and Pollux, known as the Dioscuri in Greek mythology. Because of this, one of the key traits of Geminis is their duality. They often exhibit two contrasting personalities. They possess a multifaceted nature, sometimes appearing outgoing and sociable, while at other times, displaying introverted and introspective tendencies. Known for their adaptable and spontaneous nature, Geminis find happiness in unexpected adventures and last-minute plans. The thrill and the joy of exploring new ideas and places bring a sense of excitement and fulfilment to the lively Gemini.

Pearl is the main gemstone attributed to the Gemini zodiac sign, but they’re also compatible with Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Agate, and Moonstone.

Geminis love things and love loving things. They like to play, explore, learn, and dive headfirst into their hobbies and interests. They like things that challenge them and things that intellectually stimulate them. A great gift for a Gemini is one that first and foremost captivates their lively attention.

Here’s a few gifts the bright Geminis in your life might enjoy…

Tiger’s Eye Bracelet with Gemini Charm

Tiger’s Eye helps us to know that new experiences and more enjoyable situations are only as far away as we believe them to be. This stone can be held when seeking a calm influence in our life or when our thoughts are fragmented and we need focus. It can also help heal issues of self-worth. In times of peace, clarity, or grace, it may help us to remain in the present and not worry about how long the good feelings will last.

This crystal is great as it can help the sometimes indecisive Gemini with their decision-making process. It keeps the root chakra strong which can be essential for encouraging the air sign to keep one foot on the floor.

Gemini Zodiac Pendant

This pendant depicts the Twins. Together, they hold a bead of Tiger’s Eye.

In Greek mythology, the Twins refers to Castor and Pollux. Though they had the same mother, they had different fathers. Pollux was the son of Zeus, who seduced Leda, while Castor was the son of Tyndareus, king of Sparta and Leda’s husband. One was thus mortal, while the other was immortal. Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together, and they were transformed into the constellation Gemini.

Lavender Satya Incense

Gemini’s birth flower is lavender, the beautiful, purple flower often used in all things fragrance. It is fresh, delicate, sweet, herbal, and of course floral. Lavender’s exuberant appearance perfectly blends with a Gemini’s social and energetic nature. Lavender is known for its diverse uses, similar to a Gemini’s versatile personality. Really, anything lavender makes the perfect birthday present for the wonderfully unique Gemini in your life.

Satya craft high-quality incense with the finest of ingredients. Their sticks are hand-rolled in India and renowned for their excellent fragrances.

“The Sun” Lemon Crystal Floral Candle

Bask in the warmth of Lemon Horizon Bliss with this vibrant Crystal Floral Candle. The invigorating fragrance of citrus fills the air, uplifting one’s mood and creating a sunny atmosphere. Complemented by the cheerful Citrine and Sodalite gemstones, this candle radiates positivity. Citrine, known as the “stone of success,” combines with Sodalite’s harmonizing energy to create a space filled with optimism and joy. Uplift the mood, promote positivity, and create a cheerful ambiance—all at once.

Crafted with care, these candles are a journey into a world where soy wax, gemstones, and dried flowers come together in a harmonious dance. Don’t forget to treat your favourite Gemini!

Citrine Teeth

Citrine, a gemstone known for its radiant and uplifting energy, is a powerful tool for promoting healing and personal growth. With its golden hues and strong connection to positivity, this beautiful crystal has captured the hearts and minds of people for centuries.

Besides attracting wealth, Citrine also represents joy, optimism, and achievement, reflecting the sunny disposition that attracts people to Geminis. Citrine can help Geminis stay confident around others, keeping bad vibes away and letting the good times keep rolling!

Moonstone Tower

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition and promotes inspiration, success, and good fortune in love and business matters.

This crystal is a Gemini’s best friend, as it’s able to help regulate conflicting feelings and create balance throughout the mind. It helps bring clarity when it comes to decision making or feelings of being lost, something Geminis may struggle with.

Druzy Agate Crescent Moon

Agate is known for its soothing and healing properties and can be used to soothe a number of ailments, such as anxiety, stress, worry, pain, and tension. It comes in a number of colours and can often be identified by its translucent, banded appearance.

Agate is an ideal crystal for Geminis as it organizes their many ideas and brings focus to their sometimes chaotic energy. Agate is also known to impact the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and self-expression, something that some sociable Geminis might struggle with.

Mother of Pearl Spiky Boho Earrings

The main gemstone of Geminis, Mother of Pearl is a smooth shining iridescent substance forming the inner layer of the shell of some molluscs, especially oysters and abalones. As well as being a protection stone, it brings the gentle healing power of the sea. It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing, and calming the emotions. Mother of Pearl stimulates intuition, imagination, sensitivity, and adaptability.

These earrings are 925 Sterling Silver and are of limited supply. Grab them while you can!

Brass Krishna Statuette

The Hindu god Krishna is highly linked to the planet Mercury, which happens to be the ruling planet of Gemini. Krishna is considered the supreme deity, worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism in a variety of different perspectives. Krishna is recognized as the eighth incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu, and one and the same as Lord Vishnu, one of the trimurti and as the supreme god in his own right. Krishna is the god of protection, compassion, tenderness, and love.

Geminis are also compatible with brass, which this statuettes happens to be made of.

Happiness Glass Spell Candle

Just like everyone, Geminis deserve a good rest, and few people realise just how powerful a good candle can be. The element of fire encourages transformation, while a gentle aroma not only pleases the senses but relaxes the spirit.

The colour yellow has long been associated with happiness, as well as blessings, positivity, and clarity. This candle is imbued with Moroccan Roll and contains Aventurine crystals to increase its potency. It burns for approximately fifty hours—plenty of time for Geminis to sit back, relax, and rest their spontaneous minds.

Insight Tarot

As deep thinkers, Geminis love a good riddle or puzzle. This can make spirituality and especially divination a fun challenge, as it forces them to trust their intuition over the “facts” of life.

This tarot deck highlights the practical insight of “depth psychology,” which examines the unconscious of exploring dreams and archetypes, and looks deeply at the Self, Shadow, Heavenly Fool, Inner Child, and other important aspects of humanity. Have you ever noticed that the world around us is just a decoration of “consensus” reality? And that the most interesting things are behind the scenes in our subconscious where the true puppet masters reside? Insight Tarot is a pathway to clear divination messages, meditation, and psychological practices will resonate with any curious reader.

Hummingbird Crystal Suncatcher

Though not traditionally associated with the sign, hummingbirds have much in common with Geminis. They’re both social “busy birds” after all. Both hummingbirds and Geminis are known for their beauty, speed, and agility, and like the duality of Geminis, hummingbirds are there one second and off the next. It’s hard to catch hummingbirds for more than a few seconds, but they’re guaranteed to put a smile on anybody’s face.

You can hang suncatchers anywhere sunlight reaches, and watch the space light up with a magical shower of rainbows. As well as lighting up a room, Feng Shui states that the vibration of rainbow reflections will encourage positive Chi and a more peaceful living environment.

Mookaite Jasper Bracelet

Mookaite Jasper is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress, as well as bringing peace and a feeling of wholeness. Mookaite helps us with decision-making, especially in difficult or stressful times. It also encourages versatility and helps to accept change.

As much as social and intellectual challenges suit Geminis, it can overwhelm them over time. Knowing so many people, asking so many questions, moving from one stance to another—it’s no easy task! Mookaite Jasper can help soothe and support a burnt-out Gemini’s mind, encouraging them to look after themselves as much as they attend to others.

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