
Evil Eye Macrame Large Dreamcatcher

The evil eye is the belief that someone can have power over you or cause you harm, and wearing an evil eye talisman can be a way to protect yourself. An eye for an eye, as the saying goes. Today, you’ll see these amulets anywhere and everywhere—on jewellery, on clothing, in art, and especially around the house and home.

The dreamcatcher is one of the most enduring and widespread symbols associated with Native American culture. It is a talisman that according to legend protects the sleeper and their dreams from evil spirits. Native ancestors believed the night air is filled with both good and bad dreams. The dreamcatcher’s woven web catches the bad, allowing only good thoughts to enter your mind. The good spirit dreams float down the sacred feathers into the psyche of the dreamer, meanwhile the bad spirit dreams are held in the centre of the web until first light when sunlight burns them away.

Dreamcatchers are also a great addition to place overhead in your sacred mediation space to help you remember messages and visions from the higher spirit. Dreamcatchers are also said to represent the circle of life and stand as a metaphor for the journey of the sun and moon each day and each night across the sky.

  • Material: Macrame, Cotton, Feathers, Wooden Beads
  • Dimensions: Eye Width 50 cm, Height 18 cm / Total Height 60 cm